Source code for adafruit_vl6180x

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Tony DiCola for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


CircuitPython module for the VL6180X distance sensor.  See
examples/ for a demo of the usage.

* Author(s): Tony DiCola

Implementation Notes


* Adafruit `VL6180X Time of Flight Distance Ranging Sensor (VL6180)
  <>`_ (Product ID: 3316)

**Software and Dependencies:**

* Adafruit CircuitPython firmware for the ESP8622 and M0-based boards:
* Adafruit's Bus Device library:
from micropython import const

import adafruit_bus_device.i2c_device as i2c_device

__version__ = "0.0.0-auto.0"
__repo__ = ""

# Internal constants:
_VL6180X_DEFAULT_I2C_ADDR = const(0x29)
_VL6180X_REG_SYSRANGE_START = const(0x018)
_VL6180X_REG_SYSALS_START = const(0x038)
_VL6180X_REG_RESULT_ALS_VAL = const(0x050)
_VL6180X_REG_RESULT_RANGE_VAL = const(0x062)

# User-facing constants:
ALS_GAIN_1 = const(0x06)
ALS_GAIN_1_25 = const(0x05)
ALS_GAIN_1_67 = const(0x04)
ALS_GAIN_2_5 = const(0x03)
ALS_GAIN_5 = const(0x02)
ALS_GAIN_10 = const(0x01)
ALS_GAIN_20 = const(0x00)
ALS_GAIN_40 = const(0x07)

ERROR_NONE = const(0)
ERROR_SYSERR_1 = const(1)
ERROR_SYSERR_5 = const(5)
ERROR_ECEFAIL = const(6)
ERROR_SNR = const(11)
ERROR_RAWUFLOW = const(12)
ERROR_RAWOFLOW = const(13)

[docs]class VL6180X: """Create an instance of the VL6180X distance sensor. You must pass in the following parameters: :param i2c: An instance of the I2C bus connected to the sensor. Optionally you can specify: :param address: The I2C address of the sensor. If not specified the sensor's default value will be assumed. """ def __init__(self, i2c, address=_VL6180X_DEFAULT_I2C_ADDR): self._device = i2c_device.I2CDevice(i2c, address) if self._read_8(_VL6180X_REG_IDENTIFICATION_MODEL_ID) != 0xB4: raise RuntimeError("Could not find VL6180X, is it connected and powered?") self._load_settings() self._write_8(_VL6180X_REG_SYSTEM_FRESH_OUT_OF_RESET, 0x00) @property def range(self): """Read the range of an object in front of sensor and return it in mm.""" # wait for device to be ready for range measurement while not self._read_8(_VL6180X_REG_RESULT_RANGE_STATUS) & 0x01: pass # Start a range measurement self._write_8(_VL6180X_REG_SYSRANGE_START, 0x01) # Poll until bit 2 is set while not self._read_8(_VL6180X_REG_RESULT_INTERRUPT_STATUS_GPIO) & 0x04: pass # read range in mm range_ = self._read_8(_VL6180X_REG_RESULT_RANGE_VAL) # clear interrupt self._write_8(_VL6180X_REG_SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_CLEAR, 0x07) return range_
[docs] def read_lux(self, gain): """Read the lux (light value) from the sensor and return it. Must specify the gain value to use for the lux reading: - ALS_GAIN_1 = 1x - ALS_GAIN_1_25 = 1.25x - ALS_GAIN_1_67 = 1.67x - ALS_GAIN_2_5 = 2.5x - ALS_GAIN_5 = 5x - ALS_GAIN_10 = 10x - ALS_GAIN_20 = 20x - ALS_GAIN_40 = 40x """ reg = self._read_8(_VL6180X_REG_SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_CONFIG) reg &= ~0x38 reg |= 0x4 << 3 # IRQ on ALS ready self._write_8(_VL6180X_REG_SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_CONFIG, reg) # 100 ms integration period self._write_8(_VL6180X_REG_SYSALS_INTEGRATION_PERIOD_HI, 0) self._write_8(_VL6180X_REG_SYSALS_INTEGRATION_PERIOD_LO, 100) # analog gain if gain > ALS_GAIN_40: gain = ALS_GAIN_40 self._write_8(_VL6180X_REG_SYSALS_ANALOGUE_GAIN, 0x40 | gain) # start ALS self._write_8(_VL6180X_REG_SYSALS_START, 0x1) # Poll until "New Sample Ready threshold event" is set while ( (self._read_8(_VL6180X_REG_RESULT_INTERRUPT_STATUS_GPIO) >> 3) & 0x7 ) != 4: pass # read lux! lux = self._read_16(_VL6180X_REG_RESULT_ALS_VAL) # clear interrupt self._write_8(_VL6180X_REG_SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_CLEAR, 0x07) lux *= 0.32 # calibrated count/lux if gain == ALS_GAIN_1: pass elif gain == ALS_GAIN_1_25: lux /= 1.25 elif gain == ALS_GAIN_1_67: lux /= 1.67 elif gain == ALS_GAIN_2_5: lux /= 2.5 elif gain == ALS_GAIN_5: lux /= 5 elif gain == ALS_GAIN_10: lux /= 10 elif gain == ALS_GAIN_20: lux /= 20 elif gain == ALS_GAIN_40: lux /= 40 lux *= 100 lux /= 100 # integration time in ms return lux
@property def range_status(self): """Retrieve the status/error from a previous range read. This will return a constant value such as: - ERROR_NONE - No error - ERROR_SYSERR_1 - System error 1 (see datasheet) - ERROR_SYSERR_5 - System error 5 (see datasheet) - ERROR_ECEFAIL - ECE failure - ERROR_NOCONVERGE - No convergence - ERROR_RANGEIGNORE - Outside range ignored - ERROR_SNR - Too much noise - ERROR_RAWUFLOW - Raw value underflow - ERROR_RAWOFLOW - Raw value overflow - ERROR_RANGEUFLOW - Range underflow - ERROR_RANGEOFLOW - Range overflow """ return self._read_8(_VL6180X_REG_RESULT_RANGE_STATUS) >> 4 def _load_settings(self): # private settings from page 24 of app note self._write_8(0x0207, 0x01) self._write_8(0x0208, 0x01) self._write_8(0x0096, 0x00) self._write_8(0x0097, 0xFD) self._write_8(0x00E3, 0x00) self._write_8(0x00E4, 0x04) self._write_8(0x00E5, 0x02) self._write_8(0x00E6, 0x01) self._write_8(0x00E7, 0x03) self._write_8(0x00F5, 0x02) self._write_8(0x00D9, 0x05) self._write_8(0x00DB, 0xCE) self._write_8(0x00DC, 0x03) self._write_8(0x00DD, 0xF8) self._write_8(0x009F, 0x00) self._write_8(0x00A3, 0x3C) self._write_8(0x00B7, 0x00) self._write_8(0x00BB, 0x3C) self._write_8(0x00B2, 0x09) self._write_8(0x00CA, 0x09) self._write_8(0x0198, 0x01) self._write_8(0x01B0, 0x17) self._write_8(0x01AD, 0x00) self._write_8(0x00FF, 0x05) self._write_8(0x0100, 0x05) self._write_8(0x0199, 0x05) self._write_8(0x01A6, 0x1B) self._write_8(0x01AC, 0x3E) self._write_8(0x01A7, 0x1F) self._write_8(0x0030, 0x00) # Recommended : Public registers - See data sheet for more detail self._write_8(0x0011, 0x10) # Enables polling for 'New Sample ready' # when measurement completes self._write_8(0x010A, 0x30) # Set the averaging sample period # (compromise between lower noise and # increased execution time) self._write_8(0x003F, 0x46) # Sets the light and dark gain (upper # nibble). Dark gain should not be # changed. self._write_8(0x0031, 0xFF) # sets the # of range measurements after # which auto calibration of system is # performed self._write_8(0x0040, 0x63) # Set ALS integration time to 100ms self._write_8(0x002E, 0x01) # perform a single temperature calibration # of the ranging sensor # Optional: Public registers - See data sheet for more detail self._write_8(0x001B, 0x09) # Set default ranging inter-measurement # period to 100ms self._write_8(0x003E, 0x31) # Set default ALS inter-measurement period # to 500ms self._write_8(0x0014, 0x24) # Configures interrupt on 'New Sample # Ready threshold event' def _write_8(self, address, data): # Write 1 byte of data from the specified 16-bit register address. with self._device: self._device.write(bytes([(address >> 8) & 0xFF, address & 0xFF, data])) def _write_16(self, address, data): # Write a 16-bit big endian value to the specified 16-bit register # address. with self._device as i2c: i2c.write( bytes( [ (address >> 8) & 0xFF, address & 0xFF, (data >> 8) & 0xFF, data & 0xFF, ] ) ) def _read_8(self, address): # Read and return a byte from the specified 16-bit register address. with self._device as i2c: result = bytearray(1) i2c.write(bytes([(address >> 8) & 0xFF, address & 0xFF])) i2c.readinto(result) return result[0] def _read_16(self, address): # Read and return a 16-bit unsigned big endian value read from the # specified 16-bit register address. with self._device as i2c: result = bytearray(2) i2c.write(bytes([(address >> 8) & 0xFF, address & 0xFF])) i2c.readinto(result) return (result[0] << 8) | result[1]