Source code for adafruit_tsl2591

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Tony DiCola for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


CircuitPython module for the TSL2591 precision light sensor.  See
examples/ for a demo of the usage.

* Author(s): Tony DiCola

Implementation Notes


* Adafruit `TSL2591 High Dynamic Range Digital Light Sensor
  <>`_ (Product ID: 1980)

**Software and Dependencies:**

* Adafruit CircuitPython firmware for the supported boards:

 * Adafruit's Bus Device library:
from micropython import const

import adafruit_bus_device.i2c_device as i2c_device

__version__ = "0.0.0-auto.0"
__repo__ = ""

# Internal constants:
_TSL2591_ADDR = const(0x29)
_TSL2591_COMMAND_BIT = const(0xA0)
_TSL2591_ENABLE_POWEROFF = const(0x00)
_TSL2591_ENABLE_POWERON = const(0x01)
_TSL2591_ENABLE_AEN = const(0x02)
_TSL2591_ENABLE_AIEN = const(0x10)
_TSL2591_ENABLE_NPIEN = const(0x80)
_TSL2591_REGISTER_ENABLE = const(0x00)
_TSL2591_REGISTER_CONTROL = const(0x01)
_TSL2591_REGISTER_DEVICE_ID = const(0x12)
_TSL2591_REGISTER_CHAN0_LOW = const(0x14)
_TSL2591_REGISTER_CHAN1_LOW = const(0x16)
_TSL2591_LUX_DF = 408.0
_TSL2591_LUX_COEFB = 1.64
_TSL2591_LUX_COEFC = 0.59
_TSL2591_LUX_COEFD = 0.86
_TSL2591_MAX_COUNT_100MS = const(36863)  # 0x8FFF
_TSL2591_MAX_COUNT = const(65535)  # 0xFFFF

# User-facing constants:
GAIN_LOW = 0x00  # low gain (1x)
"""Low gain (1x)"""
GAIN_MED = 0x10  # medium gain (25x)
"""Medium gain (25x)"""
GAIN_HIGH = 0x20  # medium gain (428x)
"""High gain (428x)"""
GAIN_MAX = 0x30  # max gain (9876x)
"""Max gain (9876x)"""
INTEGRATIONTIME_100MS = 0x00  # 100 millis
"""100 millis"""
INTEGRATIONTIME_200MS = 0x01  # 200 millis
"""200 millis"""
INTEGRATIONTIME_300MS = 0x02  # 300 millis
"""300 millis"""
INTEGRATIONTIME_400MS = 0x03  # 400 millis
"""400 millis"""
INTEGRATIONTIME_500MS = 0x04  # 500 millis
"""500 millis"""
INTEGRATIONTIME_600MS = 0x05  # 600 millis
"""600 millis"""

[docs]class TSL2591: """TSL2591 high precision light sensor. :param ~busio.I2C i2c: The I2C bus the device is connected to :param int address: The I2C device address. Defaults to :const:`0x29` **Quickstart: Importing and using the device** Here is an example of using the :class:`TSL2591` class. First you will need to import the libraries to use the sensor .. code-block:: python import board import adafruit_tsl2591 Once this is done you can define your `board.I2C` object and define your sensor object .. code-block:: python i2c = board.I2C() # uses board.SCL and board.SDA sensor = adafruit_tsl2591.TSL2591(i2c) Now you have access to the :attr:`lux`, :attr:`infrared` :attr:`visible` and :attr:`full_spectrum` attributes .. code-block:: python lux = sensor.lux infrared = sensor.infrared visible = sensor.visible full_spectrum = sensor.full_spectrum """ # Class-level buffer to reduce memory usage and allocations. # Note this is NOT thread-safe or re-entrant by design. _BUFFER = bytearray(2) def __init__(self, i2c, address=_TSL2591_ADDR): self._integration_time = 0 self._gain = 0 self._device = i2c_device.I2CDevice(i2c, address) # Verify the chip ID. if self._read_u8(_TSL2591_REGISTER_DEVICE_ID) != 0x50: raise RuntimeError("Failed to find TSL2591, check wiring!") # Set default gain and integration times. self.gain = GAIN_MED self.integration_time = INTEGRATIONTIME_100MS # Put the device in a powered on state after initialization. self.enable() def _read_u8(self, address): # Read an 8-bit unsigned value from the specified 8-bit address. with self._device as i2c: # Make sure to add command bit to read request. self._BUFFER[0] = (_TSL2591_COMMAND_BIT | address) & 0xFF i2c.write_then_readinto(self._BUFFER, self._BUFFER, out_end=1, in_end=1) return self._BUFFER[0] # Disable invalid name check since pylint isn't smart enough to know LE # is an abbreviation for little-endian. # pylint: disable=invalid-name def _read_u16LE(self, address): # Read a 16-bit little-endian unsigned value from the specified 8-bit # address. with self._device as i2c: # Make sure to add command bit to read request. self._BUFFER[0] = (_TSL2591_COMMAND_BIT | address) & 0xFF i2c.write_then_readinto(self._BUFFER, self._BUFFER, out_end=1, in_end=2) return (self._BUFFER[1] << 8) | self._BUFFER[0] # pylint: enable=invalid-name def _write_u8(self, address, val): # Write an 8-bit unsigned value to the specified 8-bit address. with self._device as i2c: # Make sure to add command bit to write request. self._BUFFER[0] = (_TSL2591_COMMAND_BIT | address) & 0xFF self._BUFFER[1] = val & 0xFF i2c.write(self._BUFFER, end=2)
[docs] def enable(self): """Put the device in a fully powered enabled mode.""" self._write_u8( _TSL2591_REGISTER_ENABLE, _TSL2591_ENABLE_POWERON | _TSL2591_ENABLE_AEN | _TSL2591_ENABLE_AIEN | _TSL2591_ENABLE_NPIEN, )
[docs] def disable(self): """Disable the device and go into low power mode.""" self._write_u8(_TSL2591_REGISTER_ENABLE, _TSL2591_ENABLE_POWEROFF)
@property def gain(self): """Get and set the gain of the sensor. Can be a value of: - ``GAIN_LOW`` (1x) - ``GAIN_MED`` (25x) - ``GAIN_HIGH`` (428x) - ``GAIN_MAX`` (9876x) """ control = self._read_u8(_TSL2591_REGISTER_CONTROL) return control & 0b00110000 @gain.setter def gain(self, val): assert val in (GAIN_LOW, GAIN_MED, GAIN_HIGH, GAIN_MAX) # Set appropriate gain value. control = self._read_u8(_TSL2591_REGISTER_CONTROL) control &= 0b11001111 control |= val self._write_u8(_TSL2591_REGISTER_CONTROL, control) # Keep track of gain for future lux calculations. self._gain = val @property def integration_time(self): """Get and set the integration time of the sensor. Can be a value of: - ``INTEGRATIONTIME_100MS`` (100 millis) - ``INTEGRATIONTIME_200MS`` (200 millis) - ``INTEGRATIONTIME_300MS`` (300 millis) - ``INTEGRATIONTIME_400MS`` (400 millis) - ``INTEGRATIONTIME_500MS`` (500 millis) - ``INTEGRATIONTIME_600MS`` (600 millis) """ control = self._read_u8(_TSL2591_REGISTER_CONTROL) return control & 0b00000111 @integration_time.setter def integration_time(self, val): assert 0 <= val <= 5 # Set control bits appropriately. control = self._read_u8(_TSL2591_REGISTER_CONTROL) control &= 0b11111000 control |= val self._write_u8(_TSL2591_REGISTER_CONTROL, control) # Keep track of integration time for future reading delay times. self._integration_time = val @property def raw_luminosity(self): """Read the raw luminosity from the sensor (both IR + visible and IR only channels) and return a 2-tuple of those values. The first value is IR + visible luminosity (channel 0) and the second is the IR only (channel 1). Both values are 16-bit unsigned numbers (0-65535). """ # Read both the luminosity channels. channel_0 = self._read_u16LE(_TSL2591_REGISTER_CHAN0_LOW) channel_1 = self._read_u16LE(_TSL2591_REGISTER_CHAN1_LOW) return (channel_0, channel_1) @property def full_spectrum(self): """Read the full spectrum (IR + visible) light and return its value as a 32-bit unsigned number. """ channel_0, channel_1 = self.raw_luminosity return (channel_1 << 16) | channel_0 @property def infrared(self): """Read the infrared light and return its value as a 16-bit unsigned number.""" _, channel_1 = self.raw_luminosity return channel_1 @property def visible(self): """Read the visible light and return its value as a 32-bit unsigned number.""" channel_0, channel_1 = self.raw_luminosity full = (channel_1 << 16) | channel_0 return full - channel_1 @property def lux(self): """Read the sensor and calculate a lux value from both its infrared and visible light channels. .. note:: :attr:`lux` is not calibrated! """ channel_0, channel_1 = self.raw_luminosity # Compute the atime in milliseconds atime = 100.0 * self._integration_time + 100.0 # Set the maximum sensor counts based on the integration time (atime) setting if self._integration_time == INTEGRATIONTIME_100MS: max_counts = _TSL2591_MAX_COUNT_100MS else: max_counts = _TSL2591_MAX_COUNT # Handle overflow. if channel_0 >= max_counts or channel_1 >= max_counts: message = ( "Overflow reading light channels!, Try to reduce the gain of\n " + "the sensor using adafruit_tsl2591.GAIN_LOW" ) raise RuntimeError(message) # Calculate lux using same equation as Arduino library: # again = 1.0 if self._gain == GAIN_MED: again = 25.0 elif self._gain == GAIN_HIGH: again = 428.0 elif self._gain == GAIN_MAX: again = 9876.0 cpl = (atime * again) / _TSL2591_LUX_DF lux1 = (channel_0 - (_TSL2591_LUX_COEFB * channel_1)) / cpl lux2 = ( (_TSL2591_LUX_COEFC * channel_0) - (_TSL2591_LUX_COEFD * channel_1) ) / cpl return max(lux1, lux2)