# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Tony DiCola for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
CircuitPython module for the SI4713 RDS FM transmitter. See
examples/simpletest.py for a demo of the usage. Based on the Arduino library
at: https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit-Si4713-Library/
* Author(s): Tony DiCola
* `Adafruit Stereo FM Transmitter with RDS/RBDS Breakout - Si4713
<https://www.adafruit.com/product/1958>`_ (Product ID: 1958)
**Software and Dependencies:**
* Adafruit CircuitPython firmware for the supported boards:
* Adafruit's Bus Device library:
import time
from micropython import const
import struct
except ImportError:
import ustruct as struct
import adafruit_bus_device.i2c_device as i2c_device
__version__ = "0.0.0-auto.0"
__repo__ = "https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_SI4713.git"
# Internal constants:
_SI4710_ADDR0 = const(0x11) # if SEN is = const(low)
_SI4710_ADDR1 = const(0x63) # if SEN is high, default
_SI4710_STATUS_CTS = const(0x80)
_SI4710_CMD_POWER_UP = const(0x01)
_SI4710_CMD_GET_REV = const(0x10)
_SI4710_CMD_POWER_DOWN = const(0x11)
_SI4710_CMD_SET_PROPERTY = const(0x12)
_SI4710_CMD_GET_PROPERTY = const(0x13)
_SI4710_CMD_GET_INT_STATUS = const(0x14)
_SI4710_CMD_PATCH_ARGS = const(0x15)
_SI4710_CMD_PATCH_DATA = const(0x16)
_SI4710_CMD_TX_TUNE_FREQ = const(0x30)
_SI4710_CMD_TX_TUNE_POWER = const(0x31)
_SI4710_CMD_TX_TUNE_MEASURE = const(0x32)
_SI4710_CMD_TX_TUNE_STATUS = const(0x33)
_SI4710_CMD_TX_ASQ_STATUS = const(0x34)
_SI4710_CMD_TX_RDS_BUFF = const(0x35)
_SI4710_CMD_TX_RDS_PS = const(0x36)
_SI4710_CMD_TX_AGC_OVERRIDE = const(0x48)
_SI4710_CMD_GPO_CTL = const(0x80)
_SI4710_CMD_GPO_SET = const(0x81)
_SI4713_PROP_GPO_IEN = const(0x0001)
_SI4713_PROP_DIGITAL_INPUT_FORMAT = const(0x0101)
_SI4713_PROP_REFCLK_FREQ = const(0x0201)
_SI4713_PROP_REFCLK_PRESCALE = const(0x0202)
_SI4713_PROP_TX_COMPONENT_ENABLE = const(0x2100)
_SI4713_PROP_TX_AUDIO_DEVIATION = const(0x2101)
_SI4713_PROP_TX_PILOT_DEVIATION = const(0x2102)
_SI4713_PROP_TX_RDS_DEVIATION = const(0x2103)
_SI4713_PROP_TX_LINE_LEVEL_INPUT_LEVEL = const(0x2104)
_SI4713_PROP_TX_LINE_INPUT_MUTE = const(0x2105)
_SI4713_PROP_TX_PREEMPHASIS = const(0x2106)
_SI4713_PROP_TX_PILOT_FREQUENCY = const(0x2107)
_SI4713_PROP_TX_ACOMP_ENABLE = const(0x2200)
_SI4713_PROP_TX_ACOMP_THRESHOLD = const(0x2201)
_SI4713_PROP_TX_ATTACK_TIME = const(0x2202)
_SI4713_PROP_TX_RELEASE_TIME = const(0x2203)
_SI4713_PROP_TX_ACOMP_GAIN = const(0x2204)
_SI4713_PROP_TX_LIMITER_RELEASE_TIME = const(0x2205)
_SI4713_PROP_TX_ASQ_INTERRUPT_SOURCE = const(0x2300)
_SI4713_PROP_TX_ASQ_LEVEL_LOW = const(0x2301)
_SI4713_PROP_TX_ASQ_DURATION_LOW = const(0x2302)
_SI4713_PROP_TX_AQS_LEVEL_HIGH = const(0x2303)
_SI4713_PROP_TX_AQS_DURATION_HIGH = const(0x2304)
_SI4713_PROP_TX_RDS_PI = const(0x2C01)
_SI4713_PROP_TX_RDS_PS_MIX = const(0x2C02)
_SI4713_PROP_TX_RDS_PS_MISC = const(0x2C03)
_SI4713_PROP_TX_RDS_PS_REPEAT_COUNT = const(0x2C04)
_SI4713_PROP_TX_RDS_MESSAGE_COUNT = const(0x2C05)
_SI4713_PROP_TX_RDS_PS_AF = const(0x2C06)
_SI4713_PROP_TX_RDS_FIFO_SIZE = const(0x2C07)
[docs]class SI4713:
"""SI4713 RDS FM transmitter. Initialize by specifying:
:param ~busio.I2C i2c: The I2C bus connected to the board.
:param int address: The I2C address if it has been changed. Defaults to :const:`0x63`
:param ~digitalio.DigitalInOut reset: A DigitalInOut instance connected to
the board's reset line, this will be used to perform a soft reset when necessary.
:param float timeout_s: The amount of time (in seconds) to wait for a command to
succeed. If this timeout is exceed a runtime error is thrown. Defaults to :const:`0.1`
# Class-level buffer to reduce allocations and heap fragmentation.
# This is not thread-safe or re-entrant by design!
_BUFFER = bytearray(10)
def __init__(self, i2c, *, address=_SI4710_ADDR1, reset=None, timeout_s=0.1):
self._timeout_s = timeout_s
# Configure reset line if it was provided.
self._reset = reset
if self._reset is not None:
# Toggle reset line low to reset the chip and then wait a bit for
# startup - this is necessary before initializing as an i2c device
# on at least the Raspberry Pi, and potentially elsewhere:
self._reset.value = True
self._reset.value = False
self._reset.value = True
self._device = i2c_device.I2CDevice(i2c, address)
# Check product ID.
if self._get_product_number() != 13 and self._get_product_number() != 21:
raise RuntimeError("Failed to find SI4713 or SI4721, check wiring!")
def _read_u8(self, address):
# Read an 8-bit unsigned value from the specified 8-bit address.
with self._device as i2c:
self._BUFFER[0] = address & 0xFF
# TODO: This is probably wrong and should be write_then_readinto to avoid a stop before
# repeated start.
i2c.write(self._BUFFER, end=1)
i2c.readinto(self._BUFFER, end=1)
return self._BUFFER[0]
def _read_into(self, buf, count=None):
# Read data directly from the I2C bus into the specified buffer. If
# count is not provided the buffer will be filled, otherwise count bytes
# will be written to the buffer.
if count is None:
count = len(buf)
with self._device as i2c:
i2c.readinto(buf, end=count)
def _write_from(self, buf, count=None):
# Write a buffer of byte data to the chip. If count is not specified
# then the entire buffer is written, otherwise count bytes are written.
# This function will wait to verify the command was successfully
# sent/performed and if it fails to see success in the specified
# timeout (100ms by default) it will throw an exception.
if count is None:
count = len(buf)
# Send command.
# TODO: This probably needs to be one write_then_readinto.
with self._device as i2c:
i2c.write(buf, end=count)
# Poll the status bit waiting for success or throwing a timeout error.
start = time.monotonic()
while True:
with self._device as i2c:
i2c.readinto(self._BUFFER, end=1)
if self._BUFFER[0] & _SI4710_STATUS_CTS > 0:
if time.monotonic() - start > self._timeout_s:
raise RuntimeError("Timeout waiting for SI4723 response, check wiring!")
def _set_property(self, prop, val):
# Set a property of the SI4713 chip. These are both 16-bit values.
self._BUFFER[1] = 0
self._BUFFER[2] = prop >> 8
self._BUFFER[3] = prop & 0xFF
self._BUFFER[4] = val >> 8
self._BUFFER[5] = val & 0xFF
self._write_from(self._BUFFER, count=6)
def _get_product_number(self):
# Retrieve the product number/ID value of the chip and return it.
# First send a get revision command.
self._BUFFER[0] = _SI4710_CMD_GET_REV
self._BUFFER[1] = 0
self._write_from(self._BUFFER, count=2)
# Then read 9 bytes to get the response data and parse out pn.
with self._device as i2c:
i2c.readinto(self._BUFFER, end=9)
return self._BUFFER[1]
# Other potentially useful but unused data:
# fw = (self._BUFFER[2] << 8) | self._BUFFER[3]
# patch = (self._BUFFER[4] << 8) | self._BUFFER[5]
# cmp = (self._BUFFER[6] << 8) | self._BUFFER[7]
# rev = (self._BUFFER[8])
[docs] def reset(self):
"""Perform a reset of the chip using the reset line. Will also
perform necessary chip power up procedures."""
# Toggle reset low for a few milliseconds if the line was provided.
if self._reset is not None:
# Toggle reset line low for a few milliseconds to reset the chip.
self._reset.value = True
self._reset.value = False
self._reset.value = True
# Next perform all the chip power up procedures.
self._BUFFER[0] = _SI4710_CMD_POWER_UP
self._BUFFER[1] = 0x12
# CTS interrupt disabled
# GPO2 output disabled
# Boot normally
# xtal oscillator ENabled
# FM transmit
self._BUFFER[2] = 0x50 # analog input mode
self._write_from(self._BUFFER, count=3)
# configuration! see datasheet page 254
# crystal is 32.768
self._set_property(_SI4713_PROP_REFCLK_FREQ, 32768)
# 74uS pre-emph (USA std)
self._set_property(_SI4713_PROP_TX_PREEMPHASIS, 0)
# max gain?
self._set_property(_SI4713_PROP_TX_ACOMP_GAIN, 10)
# turn on limiter and AGC
self._set_property(_SI4713_PROP_TX_ACOMP_ENABLE, 0x0)
def interrupt_status(self):
"""Read the interrupt bit status of the chip. This will return a byte
value with interrupt status bits as defined by the radio, see page
11 of the AN332 programming guide:
return self._read_u8(_SI4710_CMD_GET_INT_STATUS)
def _poll_interrupt_status(self, expected):
# Poll the interrupt status bit for an expected exact value.
# Will throw an exception if the timeout is exceeded before the status
# reaches the desired value.
start = time.monotonic()
while self.interrupt_status != expected:
time.sleep(0.01) # Short delay for other processing.
if time.monotonic() - start > self._timeout_s:
raise RuntimeError("Timeout waiting for SI4713 to respond!")
def _tune_status(self):
# Retrieve the tune status command values from the radio. Will store
# the raw result of the tune status command in self._BUFFER (see page
# 22 of AN332).
# Construct tune status command and send it.
self._BUFFER[1] = 0x01
self._write_from(self._BUFFER, count=2)
# Now read 8 bytes of response data.
self._read_into(self._BUFFER, count=8)
def _asq_status(self):
# Retrieve the ASQ (audio signal quality) status from the chip. Will
# store the raw result of the ASQ status command in self._BUFFER (see
# page 25 of AN332).
# Construct ASQ status command and send it.
self._BUFFER[1] = 0x01
self._write_from(self._BUFFER, count=2)
# Now read 5 bytes of response data.
self._read_into(self._BUFFER, count=5)
def tx_frequency_khz(self):
"""Get and set the transmit frequency of the chip (in kilohertz). See
AN332 page 19 for a discussion of the constraints on this value, in
particular only a multiple of 50khz can be specified, and the value
must be between 76 and 108mhz.
# Reconstruct frequency from tune status response.
frequency = (self._BUFFER[2] << 8) | self._BUFFER[3]
# Return result, scaling back to khz from 10's of khz.
return frequency * 10
def tx_frequency_khz(self, val):
assert 76000 <= val <= 108000
assert (val % 50) == 0
# Convert to units of 10khz that chip expects.
val = (val // 10) & 0xFFFF
# Construct tune command.
self._BUFFER[0] = _SI4710_CMD_TX_TUNE_FREQ
self._BUFFER[1] = 0
self._BUFFER[2] = val >> 8
self._BUFFER[3] = val & 0xFF
self._write_from(self._BUFFER, count=4)
# Wait for the CTS and tune complete bits to be set.
def tx_power(self):
"""Get and set the transmit power in dBuV (decibel microvolts). Can
be a value within the range of 88-115, or 0 to indicate transmission
power is disabled. Setting this value assumes auto-tuning of antenna
capacitance, see the set_tx_power_capacitance function for explicit
control of setting both transmit power and capacitance if needed.
# Reconstruct power from tune status response and return it.
return self._BUFFER[5]
[docs] def set_tx_power_capacitance(self, tx_power, capacitance):
"""Set both the transmit power (in dBuV, from 88-115) and antenna
capacitance of the transmitter. Capacitance is a value specified in
pF from 0.25 to 47.75 (in 0.25 steps), or 0 to indicate automatic
tuning. You typically don't need to use this function unless you want
explicit control of tuning antenna capacitance, instead for simple
transmit power changes use the tx_power property (which assumes
automatic antenna capacitance).
# Validate tx power and capacitance are in allowed range.
assert tx_power == 0 or (88 <= tx_power <= 115)
assert capacitance == 0 or (0.25 <= capacitance <= 47.75)
# Convert capacitance to 0.25 pF units that chip expects.
capacitance = int(capacitance / 0.25)
# Construct a tune power command and send it.
self._BUFFER[1] = 0
self._BUFFER[2] = 0
self._BUFFER[3] = tx_power & 0xFF
self._BUFFER[4] = capacitance & 0xFF
self._write_from(self._BUFFER, count=5)
def tx_power(self, val):
# Assume automatic antenna capacitance tuning (0 value).
self.set_tx_power_capacitance(val, 0)
def tx_antenna_capacitance(self):
"""Read the transmit antenna capacitance in pico-Farads (pF). Use the
set_tx_power_capacitance function to change this value (must also
change transmit power at the same time). It's uncommon to adjust this
beyond the automatic tuning option!
# Reconstruct capacitance from tune status response and return it
# (scaled appropriately for pF units).
return self._BUFFER[6] * 0.25
[docs] def received_noise_level(self, frequency_khz, antenna_capacitance=0):
"""Measure the received noise level for the specified frequency (in
kilohertz, 76mhz - 108mhz and must be a multiple of 50) and return its
value in units of dBuV (decibel microvolts). Will use automatic
antenna capacitance tuning by default, otherwise specify an antenna
capacitance in pF from 0.25 to 47.75 (only steps of 0.25pF are
# Validate frequency and capacitance.
assert 76000 <= frequency_khz <= 108000
assert (frequency_khz % 50) == 0
assert antenna_capacitance == 0 or (0.25 <= antenna_capacitance <= 47.75)
# Convert frequency and capacitance to units used by the chip.
frequency_khz = (frequency_khz // 10) & 0xFFFF
antenna_capacitance = int(antenna_capacitance / 0.25)
# First send a read tune measure command to kick off the measurement.
self._BUFFER[1] = 0
self._BUFFER[2] = frequency_khz >> 8
self._BUFFER[3] = frequency_khz & 0xFF
self._BUFFER[4] = antenna_capacitance
self._write_from(self._BUFFER, count=5)
# Wait for CTS and tune measure complete bits to be set.
# Finally make a request for tune status and grab the received noise
# level value now that it's up to date.
return self._BUFFER[7]
def input_level(self):
"""Read the input level of audio to the chip and return it in dBfs
# Perform ASQ request, then parse out 8 bit _signed_ input level value.
return struct.unpack("bbbbb", self._BUFFER[0:5])[4]
def audio_signal_status(self):
"""Retrieve the ASQ or audio signal quality status value from the chip.
This is a byte that indicates if the transmitted input audio signal is
overmodulating (too high) or above/below input audio level thresholds.
See page 25 of AN332 for more discussion of this value:
# Perform ASQ request, the parse out the status byte.
return self._BUFFER[1]
[docs] def gpio_control(self, gpio1=False, gpio2=False, gpio3=False):
"""Control the GPIO outputs of the chip. Each gpio1, gpio2, gpio3
parameter is a boolean that indicates if that GPIO channel
(corresponding to GPIO1, GPIO2, GPIO3 of the chip respectively) is
driven actively (True) or is high-impedence/off (False). By default
any unspecified GPIO is set to high-impedence/off unless otherwise
# Construct GPIO control state and send a GPIO control command.
control = 0x00
if gpio1:
control |= 0b00000010
if gpio2:
control |= 0b00000100
if gpio3:
control |= 0b00001000
self._BUFFER[0] = _SI4710_CMD_GPO_CTL
self._BUFFER[1] = control
self._write_from(self._BUFFER, count=2)
[docs] def gpio_set(self, gpio1=False, gpio2=False, gpio3=False):
"""Drive the GPIO outputs of the chip that are enabled with active
output. Each gpio1, gpio2, gpio3 parameter is a boolean that indicates
if the associated GPIO (corresponding to GPIO1, GPIO2, GPIO3 of the
chip respectively) is driven high (True) or low (False). By default
all GPIO are assumed to be set low (False) unless otherwise
specified. Note that you must first set GPIOs to active output with
the gpio_control function to see their output physically change.
# Construct GPIO set command and send it.
set_command = 0x00
if gpio1:
set_command |= 0b00000010
if gpio2:
set_command |= 0b00000100
if gpio3:
set_command |= 0b00001000
self._BUFFER[0] = _SI4710_CMD_GPO_SET
self._BUFFER[1] = set_command
self._write_from(self._BUFFER, count=2)
def _set_rds_station(self, station):
# Set the RDS station broadcast value.
station_length = len(station)
assert 0 <= station_length <= 96
# Fire off each 4 byte update of the station value.
for i in range(0, 8, 4):
self._BUFFER[0] = _SI4710_CMD_TX_RDS_PS
self._BUFFER[1] = i // 4
self._BUFFER[2] = station[i] if i < station_length else 0x00
self._BUFFER[3] = station[i + 1] if i + 1 < station_length else 0x00
self._BUFFER[4] = station[i + 2] if i + 2 < station_length else 0x00
self._BUFFER[5] = station[i + 3] if i + 3 < station_length else 0x00
self._write_from(self._BUFFER, count=6)
def _set_rds_buffer(self, rds_buffer):
# Set the RDS buffer broadcast value.
buf_length = len(rds_buffer)
# 53 blocks in the circular buffer, each 2 bytes long.
assert 0 <= buf_length <= 106
# Fire off each 4 byte update of the station value.
for i in range(0, buf_length, 4):
self._BUFFER[0] = _SI4710_CMD_TX_RDS_BUFF
self._BUFFER[1] = 0x06 if i == 0 else 0x04
self._BUFFER[2] = 0x20
self._BUFFER[3] = i // 4
self._BUFFER[4] = rds_buffer[i] if i < buf_length else 0x00
self._BUFFER[5] = rds_buffer[i + 1] if i + 1 < buf_length else 0x00
self._BUFFER[6] = rds_buffer[i + 2] if i + 2 < buf_length else 0x00
self._BUFFER[7] = rds_buffer[i + 3] if i + 3 < buf_length else 0x00
self._write_from(self._BUFFER, count=8)
rds_station = property(
"""Set the RDS broadcast station to the specified
byte string. Can be at most 96 bytes long and will
be padded with blank spaces if less.
rds_buffer = property(
"""Set the RDS broadcast buffer to the specified byte
string. Can be at most 106 bytes long and will be
padded with blank spaces if less.