
CircuitPython helper library for the Melexis MLX90395 3-axis Magnetometer * Author(s): Bryan Siepert Implementation Notes ——————– Hardware: * Adafruit MLX90395 Breakout <>

Software and Dependencies: Adafruit CircuitPython firmware for the supported boards: * * Adafruit’s Bus Device library: * Adafruit’s Register library:

class adafruit_mlx90395.CV

struct helper

classmethod add_values(value_tuples)

creates CV entires

classmethod is_valid(value)

Returns true if the given value is a member of the CV

class adafruit_mlx90395.Gain

Options for MLX90395.gain()

class adafruit_mlx90395.MLX90395(i2c_bus, address=12)

Class for interfacing with the MLX90395 3-axis magnetometer

property gain

The gain applied to the magnetometer’s ADC.


Configure the sensor for use

property magnetic

The processed magnetometer sensor values. A 3-tuple of X, Y, Z axis values in microteslas that are signed floats.

property oversample_rate

The number of times that the measurements are re-sampled and averaged to reduce noise


Reset the sensor to it’s power-on state

property resolution

The current resolution setting for the magnetometer

class adafruit_mlx90395.OSR

Options for oversample_rate

class adafruit_mlx90395.Resolution

Options for MLX90640.resolution()