
CircuitPython module for the LSM9DS0 accelerometer, magnetometer, gyroscope. Based on the driver from:

See examples/ for a demo of the usage.

  • Author(s): Tony DiCola

Implementation Notes


Software and Dependencies:

class adafruit_lsm9ds0.LSM9DS0[source]

Driver for the LSM9DS0 accelerometer, magnetometer, gyroscope.


The accelerometer range. Must be a value of: - ACCELRANGE_2G - ACCELRANGE_4G - ACCELRANGE_6G - ACCELRANGE_8G - ACCELRANGE_16G


The accelerometer X, Y, Z axis values as a 3-tuple of m/s^2 values.


The gyroscope X, Y, Z axis values as a 3-tuple of degrees/second values.


The gyroscope scale. Must be a value of: - GYROSCALE_245DPS - GYROSCALE_500DPS - GYROSCALE_2000DPS


The magnetometer gain. Must be a value of: - MAGGAIN_2GAUSS - MAGGAIN_4GAUSS - MAGGAIN_8GAUSS - MAGGAIN_12GAUSS


The magnetometer X, Y, Z axis values as a 3-tuple of gauss values.


Read the raw accelerometer sensor values and return it as a 3-tuple of X, Y, Z axis values that are 16-bit unsigned values. If you want the acceleration in nice units you probably want to use the accelerometer property!


Read the raw gyroscope sensor values and return it as a 3-tuple of X, Y, Z axis values that are 16-bit unsigned values. If you want the gyroscope in nice units you probably want to use the gyroscope property!


Read the raw magnetometer sensor values and return it as a 3-tuple of X, Y, Z axis values that are 16-bit unsigned values. If you want the magnetometer in nice units you probably want to use the magnetometer property!


Read the raw temperature sensor value and return it as a 16-bit unsigned value. If you want the temperature in nice units you probably want to use the temperature property!


The temperature of the sensor in degrees Celsius.

class adafruit_lsm9ds0.LSM9DS0_I2C(i2c)[source]

Driver for the LSM9DS0 connected over I2C.

class adafruit_lsm9ds0.LSM9DS0_SPI(spi, xmcs, gcs)[source]

Driver for the LSM9DS0 connected over SPI.