# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Dan Halbert for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* Author(s): Dan Halbert
from .keycode import Keycode
[docs]class KeyboardLayoutUS:
"""Map ASCII characters to appropriate keypresses on a standard US PC keyboard.
Non-ASCII characters and most control characters will raise an exception.
# The ASCII_TO_KEYCODE bytes object is used as a table to maps ASCII 0-127
# to the corresponding # keycode on a US 104-key keyboard.
# The user should not normally need to use this table,
# but it is not marked as private.
# Because the table only goes to 127, we use the top bit of each byte (ox80) to indicate
# that the shift key should be pressed. So any values 0x{8,9,a,b}* are shifted characters.
# The Python compiler will concatenate all these bytes literals into a single bytes object.
# Micropython/CircuitPython will store the resulting bytes constant in flash memory
# if it's in a .mpy file, so it doesn't use up valuable RAM.
# \x00 entries have no keyboard key and so won't be sent.
b"\x00" # NUL
b"\x00" # SOH
b"\x00" # STX
b"\x00" # ETX
b"\x00" # EOT
b"\x00" # ENQ
b"\x00" # ACK
b"\x00" # BEL \a
b"\x2a" # BS BACKSPACE \b (called DELETE in the usb.org document)
b"\x2b" # TAB \t
b"\x28" # LF \n (called Return or ENTER in the usb.org document)
b"\x00" # VT \v
b"\x00" # FF \f
b"\x00" # CR \r
b"\x00" # SO
b"\x00" # SI
b"\x00" # DLE
b"\x00" # DC1
b"\x00" # DC2
b"\x00" # DC3
b"\x00" # DC4
b"\x00" # NAK
b"\x00" # SYN
b"\x00" # ETB
b"\x00" # CAN
b"\x00" # EM
b"\x00" # SUB
b"\x29" # ESC
b"\x00" # FS
b"\x00" # GS
b"\x00" # RS
b"\x00" # US
b"\x2c" # SPACE
b"\x9e" # ! x1e|SHIFT_FLAG (shift 1)
b"\xb4" # " x34|SHIFT_FLAG (shift ')
b"\xa0" # # x20|SHIFT_FLAG (shift 3)
b"\xa1" # $ x21|SHIFT_FLAG (shift 4)
b"\xa2" # % x22|SHIFT_FLAG (shift 5)
b"\xa4" # & x24|SHIFT_FLAG (shift 7)
b"\x34" # '
b"\xa6" # ( x26|SHIFT_FLAG (shift 9)
b"\xa7" # ) x27|SHIFT_FLAG (shift 0)
b"\xa5" # * x25|SHIFT_FLAG (shift 8)
b"\xae" # + x2e|SHIFT_FLAG (shift =)
b"\x36" # ,
b"\x2d" # -
b"\x37" # .
b"\x38" # /
b"\x27" # 0
b"\x1e" # 1
b"\x1f" # 2
b"\x20" # 3
b"\x21" # 4
b"\x22" # 5
b"\x23" # 6
b"\x24" # 7
b"\x25" # 8
b"\x26" # 9
b"\xb3" # : x33|SHIFT_FLAG (shift ;)
b"\x33" # ;
b"\xb6" # < x36|SHIFT_FLAG (shift ,)
b"\x2e" # =
b"\xb7" # > x37|SHIFT_FLAG (shift .)
b"\xb8" # ? x38|SHIFT_FLAG (shift /)
b"\x9f" # @ x1f|SHIFT_FLAG (shift 2)
b"\x84" # A x04|SHIFT_FLAG (shift a)
b"\x85" # B x05|SHIFT_FLAG (etc.)
b"\x86" # C x06|SHIFT_FLAG
b"\x87" # D x07|SHIFT_FLAG
b"\x88" # E x08|SHIFT_FLAG
b"\x89" # F x09|SHIFT_FLAG
b"\x8a" # G x0a|SHIFT_FLAG
b"\x8b" # H x0b|SHIFT_FLAG
b"\x8c" # I x0c|SHIFT_FLAG
b"\x8d" # J x0d|SHIFT_FLAG
b"\x8e" # K x0e|SHIFT_FLAG
b"\x8f" # L x0f|SHIFT_FLAG
b"\x90" # M x10|SHIFT_FLAG
b"\x91" # N x11|SHIFT_FLAG
b"\x92" # O x12|SHIFT_FLAG
b"\x93" # P x13|SHIFT_FLAG
b"\x94" # Q x14|SHIFT_FLAG
b"\x95" # R x15|SHIFT_FLAG
b"\x96" # S x16|SHIFT_FLAG
b"\x97" # T x17|SHIFT_FLAG
b"\x98" # U x18|SHIFT_FLAG
b"\x99" # V x19|SHIFT_FLAG
b"\x9a" # W x1a|SHIFT_FLAG
b"\x9b" # X x1b|SHIFT_FLAG
b"\x9c" # Y x1c|SHIFT_FLAG
b"\x9d" # Z x1d|SHIFT_FLAG
b"\x2f" # [
b"\x31" # \ backslash
b"\x30" # ]
b"\xa3" # ^ x23|SHIFT_FLAG (shift 6)
b"\xad" # _ x2d|SHIFT_FLAG (shift -)
b"\x35" # `
b"\x04" # a
b"\x05" # b
b"\x06" # c
b"\x07" # d
b"\x08" # e
b"\x09" # f
b"\x0a" # g
b"\x0b" # h
b"\x0c" # i
b"\x0d" # j
b"\x0e" # k
b"\x0f" # l
b"\x10" # m
b"\x11" # n
b"\x12" # o
b"\x13" # p
b"\x14" # q
b"\x15" # r
b"\x16" # s
b"\x17" # t
b"\x18" # u
b"\x19" # v
b"\x1a" # w
b"\x1b" # x
b"\x1c" # y
b"\x1d" # z
b"\xaf" # { x2f|SHIFT_FLAG (shift [)
b"\xb1" # | x31|SHIFT_FLAG (shift \)
b"\xb0" # } x30|SHIFT_FLAG (shift ])
b"\xb5" # ~ x35|SHIFT_FLAG (shift `)
b"\x4c" # DEL DELETE (called Forward Delete in usb.org document)
def __init__(self, keyboard):
"""Specify the layout for the given keyboard.
:param keyboard: a Keyboard object. Write characters to this keyboard when requested.
kbd = Keyboard(usb_hid.devices)
layout = KeyboardLayoutUS(kbd)
self.keyboard = keyboard
[docs] def write(self, string):
"""Type the string by pressing and releasing keys on my keyboard.
:param string: A string of ASCII characters.
:raises ValueError: if any of the characters are not ASCII or have no keycode
(such as some control characters).
# Write abc followed by Enter to the keyboard
for char in string:
keycode = self._char_to_keycode(char)
# If this is a shifted char, clear the SHIFT flag and press the SHIFT key.
if keycode & self.SHIFT_FLAG:
keycode &= ~self.SHIFT_FLAG
[docs] def keycodes(self, char):
"""Return a tuple of keycodes needed to type the given character.
:param char: A single ASCII character in a string.
:type char: str of length one.
:returns: tuple of Keycode keycodes.
:raises ValueError: if ``char`` is not ASCII or there is no keycode for it.
# Returns (Keycode.TAB,)
# Returns (Keycode.A,)
# Returns (Keycode.SHIFT, Keycode.A)
# Raises ValueError because it's a accented e and is not ASCII
keycode = self._char_to_keycode(char)
if keycode & self.SHIFT_FLAG:
return (Keycode.SHIFT, keycode & ~self.SHIFT_FLAG)
return (keycode,)
def _char_to_keycode(self, char):
"""Return the HID keycode for the given ASCII character, with the SHIFT_FLAG possibly set.
If the character requires pressing the Shift key, the SHIFT_FLAG bit is set.
You must clear this bit before passing the keycode in a USB report.
char_val = ord(char)
if char_val > 128:
raise ValueError("Not an ASCII character.")
keycode = self.ASCII_TO_KEYCODE[char_val]
if keycode == 0:
raise ValueError("No keycode available for character.")
return keycode