Simple test¶
Ensure your device works with this simple test.
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# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import time
from random import randrange
import displayio
from adafruit_gizmo import tft_gizmo
# Create the TFT Gizmo display
display = tft_gizmo.TFT_Gizmo()
# You can now use the display to do whatever you want
# Here we show how to draw random pixels
# Create a bitmap with two colors
bitmap = displayio.Bitmap(display.width, display.height, 2)
# Create a two color palette
palette = displayio.Palette(2)
palette[0] = 0x000000
palette[1] = 0xFFFFFF
# Create a TileGrid using the Bitmap and Palette
tile_grid = displayio.TileGrid(bitmap, pixel_shader=palette)
# Create a Group
group = displayio.Group()
# Add the TileGrid to the Group
# Add the Group to the Display
# Draw pixels
while True:
for _ in range(200):
x = randrange(0, display.width)
y = randrange(0, display.height)
bitmap[x, y] = 1
for i in range(display.width * display.height):
bitmap[i] = 0
Other examples¶
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# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
This test will initialize the display using displayio and draw a solid green
background, a smaller purple rectangle, and some yellow text.
import displayio
import terminalio
from adafruit_display_text import label
from adafruit_gizmo import tft_gizmo
# Create the TFT Gizmo display
display = tft_gizmo.TFT_Gizmo()
# Make the display context
splash = displayio.Group()
color_bitmap = displayio.Bitmap(240, 240, 1)
color_palette = displayio.Palette(1)
color_palette[0] = 0x00FF00 # Bright Green
bg_sprite = displayio.TileGrid(color_bitmap, pixel_shader=color_palette, x=0, y=0)
# Draw a smaller inner rectangle
inner_bitmap = displayio.Bitmap(200, 200, 1)
inner_palette = displayio.Palette(1)
inner_palette[0] = 0xAA0088 # Purple
inner_sprite = displayio.TileGrid(inner_bitmap, pixel_shader=inner_palette, x=20, y=20)
# Draw a label
text_group = displayio.Group(scale=2, x=50, y=120)
text = "Hello World!"
text_area = label.Label(terminalio.FONT, text=text, color=0xFFFF00)
text_group.append(text_area) # Subgroup for text scaling
while True:
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# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
This example will initialize the display using displayio and draw a bmp image
background, and overlay text containing the value read from the on-board temperature sensor.
User may press the A button to switch between celsius and fahrenheit units.
Required libraries:
* Adafruit_CircuitPython_Gizmo
* Adafruit_CircuitPython_ST7789
* Adafruit_CircuitPython_Display_Text
* Adafruit_CircuitPython_CircuitPlayground
import time
from adafruit_circuitplayground import cp
import displayio
import terminalio
from adafruit_display_text import label
from adafruit_gizmo import tft_gizmo
display = tft_gizmo.TFT_Gizmo()
# text scaling factor
# previous iteration button value
old_a_val = cp.button_a
# boolean for current unit type
show_c_units = True
# function to convert celsius degrees to fahrenheit
def c_to_f(c_val):
return (c_val * 9 / 5) + 32
# Open the background image file
with open("/thermometer_background.bmp", "rb") as bitmap_file:
# Setup the file as the bitmap data source
bitmap = displayio.OnDiskBitmap(bitmap_file)
# Create a TileGrid to hold the bitmap
# CircuitPython 6 & 7 compatible
tile_grid = displayio.TileGrid(
pixel_shader=getattr(bitmap, "pixel_shader", displayio.ColorConverter()),
# CircuitPython 7 compatible only
# tile_grid = displayio.TileGrid(bitmap, pixel_shader=bitmap.pixel_shader)
# Create a Group to hold the TileGrid
group = displayio.Group()
# Add the TileGrid to the Group
# variable with initial text value, temperature rounded to 2 places
text = "%.2f C" % (round(cp.temperature, 2))
# Create a Group for the text so we can scale it
text_group = displayio.Group(scale=TEXT_SCALE, x=0, y=0)
# Create a Label to show the initial temperature value
text_area = label.Label(terminalio.FONT, text=text, color=0xFFFFFF)
# Set the anchor_point for center,top
text_area.anchor_point = (0.5, 0.0)
# Set the location to center of display, accounting for text_scale
text_area.anchored_position = (240 / (2 * TEXT_SCALE), 240 / (2 * TEXT_SCALE))
# Subgroup for text scaling
# Add the text_group to main Group
# Add the main Group to the Display
# Loop forever
while True:
# set current button state to variable
cur_a_val = cp.button_a
if cur_a_val and not old_a_val: # if the button was released
print("Just released")
# flip the units boolean to the opposite value
show_c_units = not show_c_units
if show_c_units:
# Update the text
text_area.text = "%.2f C" % (round(cp.temperature, 2))
else: # show f units
# Update the text
text_area.text = "%.2f F" % (round(c_to_f(cp.temperature), 2))
# set previous button value for next time
old_a_val = cur_a_val
# Wait a little bit
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# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import time
import displayio
from adafruit_gizmo import eink_gizmo
display = eink_gizmo.EInk_Gizmo()
# Use the below line instead for the 200x200 E-Ink Gizmo
# display = eink_gizmo.EInk_HD_Gizmo()
# Create a display group for our screen objects
display_group = displayio.Group()
# Display a ruler graphic from the root directory of the CIRCUITPY drive
with open("/display-ruler.bmp", "rb") as file:
picture = displayio.OnDiskBitmap(file)
# Create a Tilegrid with the bitmap and put in the displayio group
# CircuitPython 6 & 7 compatible
sprite = displayio.TileGrid(
pixel_shader=getattr(picture, "pixel_shader", displayio.ColorConverter()),
# CircuitPython 7 compatible only
# sprite = displayio.TileGrid(picture, pixel_shader=bitmap.pixel_shader)
# Place the display group on the screen
# Refresh the display to have it actually show the image
# NOTE: Do not refresh eInk displays sooner than 180 seconds