CircuitPython library for creating Adafruit IO dashboards.
Author(s): Dylan Herrada
Implementation Notes¶
This library currently only officially supports the Adafruit Funhouse but other boards are coming soon.
Software and Dependencies:
Adafruit CircuitPython firmware for the supported boards:
- class adafruit_dash_display.Feed(key, default_text, formatted_text, callback, color, pub, index)¶
Feed object to make getting and setting different feed properties easier
- property key¶
Getter for feed key. Will give the value of the feed key
- property text¶
Getter for text ready to be formatted. Will give the feed text
- property callback¶
Getter for callback function. Returns the feed callback
- property color¶
Getter for text color callback function. Will return the color for the feed
- property pub¶
Getter for publish function, called when a new value is published by this library.
- property last_val¶
Getter for the last value received
- class adafruit_dash_display.Hub(display, io, nav)¶
Object that lets you make an IOT dashboard
- simple_text_callback(client, feed_id, message)¶
Default callback function that uses the text in the Feed object and the color callback to set the text
- update_text(client, feed_id, message)¶
Updates the text on the display
- base_pub(var)¶
Default function called when a feed is published to
- add_device(feed_key, default_text=None, formatted_text=None, color_callback=None, callback=None, pub_method=None)¶
Adds a feed/device to the UI
- get()¶
Gets all the subscribed feeds
- static connected(client)¶
Callback for when the device is connected to Adafruit IO
- static subscribe(client, userdata, topic, granted_qos)¶
Callback for when a new feed is subscribed to
- static disconnected(client)¶
Callback for when the device disconnects from Adafruit IO
- message(client, feed_id, message)¶
Callback for whenever a new message is received
- publish(feed, message)¶
Callback for publishing a message
- loop()¶
Loops Adafruit IO and also checks to see if any buttons have been pressed