adafruit_ads1x15.analog_in 的源代码

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Carter Nelson for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

AnalogIn for single-ended and
differential ADC readings.

* Author(s): Carter Nelson, adapted from MCP3xxx original by Brent Rubell

_ADS1X15_DIFF_CHANNELS = {(0, 1): 0, (0, 3): 1, (1, 3): 2, (2, 3): 3}
_ADS1X15_PGA_RANGE = {2 / 3: 6.144, 1: 4.096, 2: 2.048, 4: 1.024, 8: 0.512, 16: 0.256}

[docs]class AnalogIn: """AnalogIn Mock Implementation for ADC Reads.""" def __init__(self, ads, positive_pin, negative_pin=None): """AnalogIn :param ads: The ads object. :param ~digitalio.DigitalInOut positive_pin: Required pin for single-ended. :param ~digitalio.DigitalInOut negative_pin: Optional pin for differential reads. """ self._ads = ads self._pin_setting = positive_pin self._negative_pin = negative_pin self.is_differential = False if negative_pin is not None: pins = (self._pin_setting, self._negative_pin) if pins not in _ADS1X15_DIFF_CHANNELS: raise ValueError( "Differential channels must be one of: {}".format( list(_ADS1X15_DIFF_CHANNELS.keys()) ) ) self._pin_setting = _ADS1X15_DIFF_CHANNELS[pins] self.is_differential = True @property def value(self): """Returns the value of an ADC pin as an integer.""" return self._pin_setting, is_differential=self.is_differential ) << (16 - self._ads.bits) @property def voltage(self): """Returns the voltage from the ADC pin as a floating point value.""" volts = self.value * _ADS1X15_PGA_RANGE[self._ads.gain] / 32767 return volts